To support Wolf Trap through your company’s Matching Gifts program:
Join or renew your membership
Please select the membership level that corresponds with your portion of the gift and indicate your employer's name in the Matching Gifts section of the membership form. Once your company match has been received your membership will be updated appropriately.”
Pick up a 'Matching Gift Form' from your human resources or community relations department
Complete your portion of the form. Send it to Wolf Trap’s membership office at:
Wolf Trap Foundation
Attn: Membership
1645 Trap Road
Vienna, Virginia 22182
FAX: 703.255.1918
Wolf Trap currently receives matching contributions from companies such as American Express, AT&T, Bank of America, Boeing, Chevron, Costco, Ernst & Young, ExxonMobil, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Google, IBM, Macy's, McAfee, Microsoft, Northrup Grumman, Oracle, PNC, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Prudential, Sprint, Texas Instruments, UBS, Verizon, and more!
If you are unsure if your company matches charitable gifts, ask your human resources department.
Thank you for your support through matching gifts!