Endowment funds provide stability and opportunity for Wolf Trap Foundation.
These funds are invested to ensure long-term financial health. They provide steady support for ongoing programs and a measure of security during economic fluctuations. And they ensure the foundation has the resources needed to take meaningful chances on innovation or seize opportunities to broaden community support.
Wolf Trap Foundation’s endowment donors are visionary leaders—their gifts are making a positive impact on the organization now and long into the future.
What Wolf Trap does with endowment funds
- Invests wisely to generate income for immediate use and long-term growth
- Spends a portion of earnings each year to advance the mission of specific programs (in accordance with donor designations)
- Develops realistic and inspiring long-term plans based on this perpetual support
An endowment gift is a reflection of your values
Gifts of any size can be made to Wolf Trap Foundation’s general endowment or to a specific fund that reflects your interests, including those listed below.
With a gift of $100,000 or more, you can create a Named Endowment Fund for yourself or as a lasting tribute to a family member or friend.

General Endowment Fund
Bringing important performing arts and education programs to audiences will always require stewardship and financial resources.
Your general support will be carefully applied wherever funds are most needed in a given year to accomplish Wolf Trap Foundation’s mission.

Artistic Excellence Fund
Outstanding performances connecting artists and audiences in a unique setting have been a Wolf Trap hallmark for more than 4 decades.
Increase the foundation’s ability to create new and innovative works, present programs of special artistic significance, develop signature performance series, and extend programs beyond the stage to radio and other media.

Future of Opera Fund
There are close to 1,000 Wolf Trap Opera alumni—singers, fellows, and interns—contributing their talent and vision to top opera houses around the world and premiering important new works by contemporary composers.
Help Wolf Trap Opera continue discovering and training the next generation of talent through one of the nation’s leading young artist programs.

Leadership in Education Fund
The performing arts make us feel—exhilarated, nostalgic, entertained, joyous. But they can also help us succeed, as students, professionals, and citizens of the world.
Help ensure that the performing arts are incorporated into education starting with our youngest learners and continuing into adulthood.
This fund supports the Wolf Trap Institute for Early Learning Through the Arts and other programs for all ages.
Please contact Annie Coppola at 703.255.1930 or
anniec@wolftrap.org to discuss the type of endowment investment you’d find the most rewarding.