Wolf Trap teaching artists lead these interactive sessions (~45 min.), providing children and their parents/caregivers an opportunity to share a stimulating live arts experience.
Family Involvement Workshops give parents a glimpse into what children learn during Wolf Trap Institute classroom residencies, as well as arts-integrated activities they can use at home, in the car, and even in line at the grocery store.
To schedule a Family Involvement Workshop, call the Wolf Trap Institute at 703.937.6306 or email education@wolftrap.org.
List of Wolf Trap Institute Professional Development Workshops
Full list of family involvement workshops available:

Kim Bowers Rheay Baran, Georgia Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist
Put away all your gadgets of the technological age and explore the imaginary world of stories together as a family. Join Kim Baran, Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist, singer, and actress as she guides families to use their imagination to bring the classic tale of The Little Red Hen to life. Create voices and gestures for characters and enter the world of “What if...the story came to life?” Goal: Families will learn how to create voices and gestures for characters in stories.
Valerie Carroll, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist
How often do most parents get to spend 45 minutes singing and moving with their children? This interactive session includes songs that babies can enjoy as much as their older siblings. Songs and chants featuring call-and-response, imaginative movement, hand signs, and puppets will engage and energize the whole family. Parents will find out how to sing a story, act out a song, and learn new tunes that are so simple they’ll be humming them all the way home.
Valerie Carroll, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist
This interactive session includes songs and movement that babies can enjoy as much as their older siblings. Children and parents will take an imaginary musical journey through the zoo, dramatizing animal families we meet along the way, learning about what makes them different but also what they share. Parents will discover how to sing a story, act out a song, and learn new tunes that are so simple they will be humming them all the way home!
Goal: Parents and children will play together as they explore a book through music, movement and drama.
Terry Leonino and Greg Artzner, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artists
Celebrate the wonder of the natural world around us through songs of nature that facilitate and encourage responsible environmental habits in young children. Come jump, crawl, swim, and slither as we explore our connection to families of plants and animals through singing and dancing!
Kofi Dennis, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist
Join Kofi as parents and their babies help to bring their favorite books, rhymes, and songs to life with movement, instruments, scarves and streamers, singing and dancing together!
JOURNEY TO AFRICA: Sharing Family Experiences
Kofi Dennis, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist
This family workshop introduces many exciting ways to adapt songs, rituals, and activities from other cultures to every family’s daily routine. Participants will take an imaginary journey to share in the movements, sounds, and instruments of different West African traditions.
Christina Farrell, Western Pennsylvania Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist
Discover new words on adventures with favorite wild creatures! Wolf Trap drama and music artist, Christina Farrell, shares favorite songs and stories about animals in the natural world. Parents will discover how to use music, creative movement and storytelling techniques to explore new vocabulary with their children – creating huge, gigantic, mammoth fun for the whole family!
Goal: Parents will participate in music and drama experiences that support vocabulary growth.
Mary Gresock, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist
Come and discover how a unique blending of music, drama, dance and visuals can be an exciting, fulfilling way to tell a story! Mary presents her original opera based upon the nursery rhyme Little Miss Muffet, complete with a friendly spider, soft tuffet and a big bowl of curds and whey. A twist in the story leads to a creative exploration of sharing and making friends. The whole family will delight in singing and dancing their own versions of the beloved nursery rhyme. Plenty of additional songs and chants with finger play and movement will help warm up and cool down bodies and voices before and after the opera. Come join in the fun as Little Miss Muffet Goes to the Opera!
Goal: Families will sing, chant, dance, pretend, smile and laugh together while reinforcing emergent literacy skills and using their imaginations.
Slim Harrison, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist
Explore the diverse “Roots” of our American Folk Music and Dance Heritage while “a good old time is had by all!” Folk music and dances are designed to bring people together to have fun while “Learning by Doing.” Join in the “Jugband” with washboards, spoons, washtub bass, jugs, stumpf-fiddles, limberjacks, whammydiddles & skiffleboards!
Goal: Families will learn simple folk dances and join in circles, reels, and square dances.
Paige Hernandez, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Teaching Artist
This interactive family workshop dramatizes the differences and similarities in family generations, culture, and dance. In this hip-hop theater arts performance workshop, Paige presents her original work based loosely on her experience as a performer with African American Roots and a Latino Soul. Her story teaches us to be creative and unique using our heritage and family values as inspiration.
Goal: Families will learn the basics of hip hop, salsa and partner dance with thoughtful learning.
Rachel Knudson, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist
Come explore the magic of dance with props, rhythm instruments and a wide variety of music. Learn how to support and encourage your child’s growth through movement activities that engage all types of learners. This workshop focuses on fun and appropriate movements for building the body and the brain.
Katherine Lyons, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Teaching Artist
Join us for this story dramatization of A Crocodile’s Tale, presented by Wolf Trap creative drama artist and actor Katherine Lyons. Katherine uses body movements, props, chants, character voices, and audience interaction to tell the delightful story of the relationship between man and nature and how to respect the earth and all living creatures. A Crocodile’s Tale is a wonderful story for all children and their families to enjoy together!
Goal: Families will learn to appreciate and take care of our earth while participating in a story experience.
Katherine Lyons, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist
How do we help each other make the world a better place? Meet a human family and an animal family and explore how they each fear and need each other. Journey with us in this story dramatization combining A Crocodile’s Tale, from the Philippines, and a story from West Africa, The Hunterman and the Crocodile presented by Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist and actor, Katherine Lyons. Both stories deal with the relationship between humans and nature and teach us to respect and appreciate the earth and all living things. A Crocodile’s Tale is a wonderful story for all children and their families with its surprise ending, sense of humor and its message of harmony and hope.
Goal: Families will learn body movement, chants, matching instruments and props to characters and explore ordinal numbers, counting, sequencing and problem solving.
Katherine Lyons, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist
Let’s go on a bear hunt to solve our problem! Journey with us in this story dramatization of Ask Mr. Bear, presented by Wolf Trap creative drama artist and actor Katherine Lyons. We’ll use body movements, props and chants to explore ordinal numbers, counting, sorting, sequencing and problem solving and meet farm animals and the gifts they give us. Ask Mr. Bear is a wonderful story for all children and their families about the gift of love!
Goal: Families will explore simple math concepts and learn how to bring stories to life.
Katherine Lyons, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist
Elias Schutzman, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Teaching Artist
Fly across the sky to Dragonland and meet a lazy, greedy dragon who refuses to share, care, or play fair with his family and friends. When he flies to a new town and threatens to eat all the food, the townspeople must work together to find a way to make him leave in peace. Wolf Trap Teaching Artists Katherine Lyons and Elias Schutzman use drama, chants, instruments, and imaginary travel as children and parents become different community helpers, playing rhythms on the tools they each use to help solve the problem. This workshop teaches the importance of having empathy, respect, and kindness in a family and in the world.
Goal: Families will explore social-emotional skills and different community helpers while participating in a story experience.
Kathleen Lynam, Nashville Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist
Children love puppets! Learn how to transform kitchen utensils into puppets, engage your child with finger play glove puppets, and retell stories with finger puppets! An easy-to-make finger puppet pattern provided for a great project to do at home with your children. Parents will learn how to conduct the retelling of a story through puppetry. They will learn how to switch from narrator to character, how to encourage language usage and vocabulary, and add supporting details for humor and fun. Children will see their parents as creative individuals joining them in a world of imaginative possibilities!
Curtis “Mr. Blues” Mailloux, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Teaching Artist
This interactive musical program brings the whole family together. Sharing songs and rhythms has been a part of traditional societies for centuries, and sharing music has been a part of American families from the beginning of our country. This show allows all age groups to participate in the joy of making music together. Multi-instrumentalist Curtis “Mr. Blues” Mailloux performs with instruments from all over the world. He leads the group in singing songs and using body percussion to personally connect with music. Using the theme of an animal dance and animal band, children learn about the world's diverse animals, as well as the parts of a band. Dancing as animal characters encourages imagination and movement for the whole family. The activities in this performance engage all age groups with musical experiences that you can use at home after the show to bring your family together with music.
Natasha Mirny, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Teaching Artist
Adults and children will experience dynamic imaginary travel to a rainforest, where they can explore a variety of animals and plants -- and learn about the importance of protecting this unique ecosystem, and other forest environments.
Goal: Share movement, drama and music experiences that families can use with children to enhance early learning and development.
Joe Pipik, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist
This family workshop will explore the power of storytelling with puppets. Join Mr. Joe and his puppet friends as they explore the legend of how the rainbow came to be. Sing, dance, and learn with your child in this interactive workshop that illustrates how the puppets pique children’s curiosity, focus attention, and incite enthusiasm for learning.
Goal: Families will see how simple user friendly puppets can engage and enchant young children while reinforcing early learning objectives.
Joe Pipik and Jeanne Wall, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artists
In this STEM-oriented retelling of the classic tale of The Three Pigs, parents and children are introduced to a simple six-step process to aid the pigs in overcoming the threat of the Big Bad Wolf. The pigs also learn about the simple machines—pulley, lever, wheel and axle, and inclined plane—that help them build their brick house successfully. When foiled, the wolf learns of these six problem-solving steps and uses them to solve his hunger problem in a way that benefits the pigs and the wolf.
Goal: To introduce children and their families to engineering’s positive approach to creative problem solving, as well as the names and functions of simple machines.
Melissa Richardson, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist
Wouldn’t you love to step inside a favorite story? That’s what actors do! Acting out stories is a playful and engaging way to work on vocabulary, concentration, following instructions, and literacy skills. Share the joy of playing pretend with the whole family! Come enjoy exciting drama games that explore teamwork, imagination, voice, and body. Then, work together to act out a fun story.
Penny Russell, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist
Join Ms. Penny and her puppet friends as they sing songs and tell stories about the animals found in and around the great, big tree. An interactive puppet adventure!
Laura Schandelmeier, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist
Dance your way through science, engineering and math with Master Teaching Artist Laura Schandelmeier. Dance the life cycle of a seed to plant, create a dance to learn the Six Steps of Engineering, and count sets of dancers on the imaginary stage. Learn how you and your child can engage in active play while exploring STEM!
Goal: Parents will learn games and strategies to help children explore STEM through movement.
Laura Schandelmeier, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist
Come dance and sing together! How can you jump like a rabbit? Can you “jump” with your hands? How can you use your body to jump on a low level? Learn how to make a dance phrase with your child based on a character from a book. Explore the setting of a story with Interactive Movement Experiences. Learn how to create an environment for movement exploration and vocabulary development through the Descriptive Language Strategy.
Goal: Parents will learn how to bring a book to life with interactive movement based experiences.
Anne Sidney, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist
Come enjoy singing and dancing with your child! In this interactive family engagement session, families will work together to learn how to create basic shapes through movement while participating in a story about Tommy the Triangle!
Dillon “Kindertwin” Clarke, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Teaching Artist
A highly energetic workshop that integrates rhythms, movements and simple body part chants with more intricate spatial awareness games to demonstrate activities which help children identify and recall concepts such as colors, shapes, numbers, community relationships, modes of transportation and action verbs. Finger spelling and American Sign Language are incorporated as an aid in teaching the alphabet and developing fine motor skills. Sequencing games also build concentration, self-control and memory.
Terlene D. Terry-Todd, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist
Join Ms. T on a trip to the sunny West Indies, a journey full of songs, dances and stories. You and your family will take an imaginary voyage to the seashore and a Caribbean market place while exploring props and costumes which bring songs and dances from the Caribbean to life.
Maria Tripodi, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist
In this workshop, parents and teachers will learn how to take different concepts from literature and enrich them through the arts. Using basic elements from dance, music and drama, we will learn how to guide children through imaginative experiences that will help bring a deeper understanding and appreciation to literature and the world around them.
Sue Trainor, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist
Singing together creates good vibrations, here and everywhere you go. Take some home! You and your child are sure to enjoy playing with these imaginative songs, singing games and chants (which also happen to be great for teaching pre-reading skills and for redirecting behavior – shhh!).
Goal: In addition to the joy of family music play, parents will be introduced to the connection between music experiences and the literacy skills that children practice when they engage in music experiences.
Michele Valeri, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist
In this interactive family workshop, you will discover how the world of imagination can make learning fun everywhere and every day, for you and your child. Learn various storytelling techniques that will help open your child's door to reading, verbalizing, and problem solving.
Jeanne Wall, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist
Storytelling, puppetry and music bring to life tales about insects from different parts of the world. Jeanne uses imaginative props to convey these educational tales from Africa, Mexico and Native America. Using an interactive storytelling style, Jeanne brings her audience into the stories, creating lots of family fun.
Amanda Whiteman, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist
Discover how using simple dance, drama, and music strategies will deepen your child’s love for and interest in books! We will use children’s literature to get our youngest learners moving, imagining, and exploring their creative selves.
Goal: Parents will learn how engaging children in movement and dramatic play based on children’s literature can deepen the love of reading and bring books to life!
INSTRUMENTS, PROPS, AND MUSIC: Guiding Children’s Motor and Language Skills through the Arts
Janice Zucker, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Teaching Artist
Through the use of simple instruments, props, and lively interactive music experiences, parents and children will sing and move in ways that will enhance children’s vocabulary, spatial concepts, and developmental gross and fine motor skills. Learn how music and movement can be a springboard for learning!
Goal: Parents will learn some simple tools to be able to engage with their children at home while singing and moving.