In this infamous 19th-century tale, Sweeney Todd, an unjustly exiled barber returns to London seeking vengeance against the lecherous Judge Turpin, who framed him and ravaged his young wife. The road to revenge leads Todd to Mrs. Lovett, a resourceful proprietress of a failing pie shop, above which, he opens a new barber practice. Mrs. Lovett's luck changes when Todd's thirst for blood inspires the addition of an ingredient to her meat pies that has the people of London begging for more!
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The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
A Musical Thriller
Music and lyrics by: Stephen Sondheim (b.1930)
Book by Hugh Wheeler
From an Adaptation by: Christopher Bond
Originally directed on Broadway by: Harold Prince
Orchestrations by: Jonathan Tunick
Originally Produced on Broadway by: Richard Barr, Charles Woodward, Robert Fryer, Mary Lea Johnson, Martin Richards
In Association with Dean and Judy Manos
First performance: March 1, 1979, The Uris Theatre, NYC
Show Length: 3 hours, 1 intermission
A pre-show lecture will be prerecorded and available digitally.
Anthony Hope –
Jonathan Bryan
Sweeney Todd / Benjamin Barker –
Thomas Glass
Beggar Woman / Lucy Barker –
Shannon Jennings
Nellie Lovett –
Megan Esther Grey
Judge Turpin –
Nicholas Newton
Beadle Bamford –
Wayd Odle*
Johanna Barker –
Alexandra Nowakowski
Tobias Ragg –
Conor McDonald
Adolfo Pirelli –
Christopher Bozeka
*Studio Artist
Roberto Kalb, conductor
Emma Griffin, director
David Hanlon, principal coach
Joseph Li, Chorusmaster
Jocelyn Dueck, English coach
Tickets will be sold in socially-distanced grouping “pods” of 2 to 8 tickets. Pods must be purchased in their entirety. No single tickets are available.
NOTE: If you cannot find a seating pod to accommodate your party, please call Wolf Trap's Patron Services at 703.255.1868 or email
With your safety in mind, Wolf Trap's 2021 season will follow local, state, and federal guidelines for reduced capacity, social distancing, and admission opportunities may be limited.
Learn more about how we're bringing live music back to our community responsibly.